Under the Grate Inlet Protection - the SedBasket
A SedBasket is an inlet protection device that hangs from the lip of the grate casting to prevent sediment from entering the storm sewer system. It consists of two pieces, a Main Basket and a Dump Basket. Sediment is collected in the Dump Basket which can be emptied without disturbing the Main Basket.
The Main Basket is a geotextile lined, welded wire basket with a rim at the top that is the exact same size as the grate. It comes fully assembled, so no installation hassles, just drop it in. The Dump Basket rests inside the Main Basket acting like a liner which collects the sediment. To service, simply flip the grate out of the way without picking it up, lift the Dump Basket out, empty the collected sediment, drop it back in, and replace the grate. The made-to-fit, two piece design means no straps, no smoothing of excess material, no loops, no pinched fingers, no loss of useful life due to abrasions and no wedged-in grates.
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SedBaskets work for All Shapes and Sizes
Rolled Grates
These SedBaskets were made for rolled grates. To order, all we need to know is the size and shape of the grate to send you the correct size Sediment Basket. We can also work off of the grate manufacturer grate number.
Combination Inlets
Use a SedBasket along with a diversion dam to provide protection for a combination inlet. The dam will direct all of the water thru the grate and into the SedBasket during low flows, filtering 100% of the water. If flows exceed the capacity of the SedBasket the water will still have to pass over the grate, where the SedBasket will collect large sediment particles (mainly gravel) before the water goes over the dam. Once the flows subside it will once again provide filtering to 100% of the water
Why use a SedCatch® SedBasket™?
A SedBasket allows for a one man, 2 minute removal of sediment; no equipment needed. When the cost of servicing is 10 - 30 times the initial cost, why not purchase the best?
They can be installed under round, square and rectangular grates.
• Overflow prevents standing water.
• Dump basket makes sediment removal fast and easy.
• No assembly required.
• Provide grate dimensions to order.
• Wireback supported geotextile
The above photo pictures Yard Inlet Protection.
The below photo pictures Curb Inlet Protection.
Overflow Cutout
Every SedBasket is made with overflow cutouts. If ponding of water is a concern, simply cut the fabric stretched across the overflow orifice prior to installation. It will filter all of the water until flood stage; allow flood waters to pass while only collecting the heaviest of particles, i.e. gravel; and then filter the water once again after the water surface drops below flood stage. Use as many cutouts as needed.
Emptying Dump Basket
The removal of the sediment in the above photos series took less than two minutes from start to finish. Sediment is collected in a convenient Dump Basket™. The two-basket design makes it easy to empty and replace with less wear and tear so it lasts longer than other products. Since one does not have to pick up both the grate and the sediment at the same time, it is not necessary to use equipment to empty the SedBasket™.
Periodic Emptying of Main Basket
After approximately 10-20 dumps, enough sediment will have made its way around the dump basket that the main basket should be emptied of sediment as shown. It still only takes minutes, and no equipment required.
Emptying Dump Basket 3
Testing, Standard Drawings, Geotextile Properties & Patents
Standard Drawings
Fabric Specification
We have selected the geotextile with the properties that give the best results under most circumstances. If your site is unique and/or if the engineer or inspector has a preference for a different geotextile specification, we can manufacture the SedBasket with the requested fabric. We probably have the geotextile in stock and can accommodate your request.
Independent Testing Results
The SedCatch® SedBasket™ was subjected to full scale testing by TRI/Environmental, Inc. The test was performed in general accordance with ASTM D 7351, Standard Test Method For Determination Of Sediment Retention Device Effectiveness In Sheet Flow Application, though the protocol was modified to present the flow from the storm event to an inlet. In order to make the test as realistic as possible, the test was allowed to continue the entire duration of the storm event. Unfortunately, the storm will not end because the inlet protection device is full.
On the 1.5% Sediment Load Test, all of the water was filtered and it collected in excess of 80% of the sediment load introduced.
On the 6% Sediment Load Test, it initially filtered 100% of the water. Over time; the accumulated sediment reduced the filtering capacity of the device such that some of the water passed through the overflow. In practice, as flows taper off, once again 100 % of the water would be filtered. It still collected nearly 64% of the introduced sediment for the entire rain event.
SedBaskets™ are protected by the following patents: D598,196, D600,324, US 8,679,329 B2 other patents pending.
FAQ for SedCatch Sediment Basket
Can you buy replacement liners?
Yes, but you will probably never need one. Since all of the sediment is collected in the dump basket for easy removal, the wear and tear is minimal. In addition, the exclusive wire backing takes the stress off the geotextile so there is little stress on the fabric.
Will it cause roadway ponding?
All Sediment Baskets are constructed with overflow cutouts. Simply cut open enough cutouts (at least enough to exceed the capacity of the storm sewer system) so if there is ponding in the roadway it would have happened regardless if the inlet protection would have been installed or not.
Why is our standard fabric a woven geotextile instead of non-woven?
Non-woven geotextiles initially give very high flow rates and would appear to be a good choice for this application; however, once they go through a few storm cycles their flow rates can drop 60 to 80 percent. Woven geotextiles maintain their flow rates better over time.